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  • The ColonoAssist System Description

  • The ColonoAssist System system offers an add-on device for giving a standard colonoscope (Olympus, Pentax, fujinon) some robotic features. The system is based on an electro-mechanical system which integrates a motors to replace the doctor's hand movement.

  • The ColonoAssist System is a robotic computer-driven system. The intended use is to hold and position a colonoscope for colonoscopy procedure. The ColonoAssist System  is used primarily by the surgeon performing the operation. The ColonoAssist System is CE marked as a class I product according to the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745.

  • The ColonoAssist System offers an Colonoscope upgrader device that utilizes:

  • An electro-mechanical system which uses engines to replace the function of rollers of the colonoscope

  • An electro-mechanical system which integrates a motor and pulleys that allow for linear movement and rotation to replace the doctor's hand movement

  • A computerized system based on an algorithm that allows relative motion of the end of the colonoscope according to its temporary location in the intestinal cavity

  • A system for measuring the force of the colonoscope and internal gas pressure in the intestine

  • A safe motion algorithm for the colonoscope to reach the cecum

  • The robotic setup consists of a conventional flexible colonoscope with the rollers linked to the steering module. The rollers and the steering module were suspended on a custom-designed holder. The tip of the colonoscope can then be manipulated through motor control, enabled by the controller and a standard computer, while colonoscope’s shaft insertion and rotation are done in the same way.

  • The ColonoAssist System allows the user to hold and control the movements of a flexible colonoscope by using a joystick or manually by releasing the colonoscope in two places from the system.

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